Mezco Toyz可动人偶 活死人娃娃 电影系列 猛鬼追魂3 针头人(夜光版)


Mezco Toyz可动人偶 活死人娃娃 电影系列周边系列的级别或分类的周边单品





活死人娃娃系列 针头人(夜光版) 10寸(254mm)高 可动娃娃
只限Mezco Toyz
Is the luminescent glow piercing the darkness of the abyss the blazing embers of Hell itself? No, it is the latest offering from The Living Dead Dolls: the Pinhead glow-in-the-dark variant!
The High Priest of Hell has been reborn. His exposed flesh now pierces the shadows with a unearthly green phosphorescence. It was nearly three decades ago that the Patron Saint of Piercing first glared at moviegoers from the shadows. Now those shadows are exorcised by the glow of this limited-edition variant. From his grid-scarred head to his multitude of piercings, great care has been paid to each exquisite detail. His vestments embody the repulsive glamour of the films. The flayed portions of his flesh bear witness to his suffering as their florecene tears asunder the velvety blackness of the pit.
His sacred instruments; hooks, picks, and blades, dangle from his holy robes. To open the doorway to the other realm, he carries a Lament Configuration. The puzzle box seems to beckon. Do you have the will to resist the temptation of its call?
Standing ten inches tall, Pinhead is packaged in a specially die-cut window box based on the divine mathematics the cube—you can free him...if you choose. This limited-edition variant is available exclusively from

厂商 Mezco Toyz
系列 Mezco Toyz可动人偶
级别或分类 活死人娃娃 电影系列
价格 66美元
名称 猛鬼追魂3 针头人(夜光版)
人物名 针头人
版本 限定版
材料种类 塑料
规格 254mm
玩具分类 美系周边
参与创建 venomchow888